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Don't Let Exploding Easter Eggs Leave You Bloody Sunday, Bloody Sunday

How do you make your Easter Eggs? Most of us probably stick to the 'approved' PAAS kit, however how we get those hard boiled eggs is another story. The recommendation to hard boil eggs is 10-12 minutes submerged in a pot atop the stove in boiling water. That is bring a large metal pot filled with tap water to a boil on the stove by igniting the burner flame below. Now most of you might be saying, 'duhhhhhh,' but the knowledge of how to boil water does not come so simple to others, surprisingly. That is because of the handy dandy microwave oven, and everything can go in the microwave right?! WRONG.

No metal, period. That might be microwave 101, however, part of the microwave 101 training that most of you may have received did not include the potentially fatal act of cooking eggs in the microwave. I can imagine that millennials are going to make this mistake at an alarming rate in the near future because I doubt many of them have even heard of a stove, and everything can go in the microwave right? Boiling eggs in the microwave, yes even in a glass dish filled with water and eggs, can result in a terrible fatality: exploding eggs. Sounds fun at first right? Now think about shards of burning broken egg shells blasting in your face at top speed and close range when you open up that microwave door. How? Eggs contain enough moisture to create their own steam when heated up in the microwave, steam that is trapped under that hard shell until the pressure is so high that the egg shell bursts. This detonation can occur even after they are removed from the microwave, so this Easter do things the old fashion way with the stove, and a PAAS kit.

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